Friday, February 21, 2014

HMM :)

Sooo lately, I've noticed something with Body Beast. I can FEEL the muscles under my uh... warmth layer lol. I can FEEL a tricep line in my arms, and the rough layout of abs starting to set in. But I can't see any of it!

Being a girl, I'm afraid of getting that ridiculously ripped look. I'm pretty happy with just being flat and toned. Maybe a line or two when I tense up. But none of that visible 8 pack crap. I'm getting worried that once I get to the BEAST portion of the workout, I'm gonna be scary.

SO, I ordered my 21 Day Fix!!! I'm hoping the workouts will give me a little bit of a headstart on this fat loss. I'm skinny fat, let's face it. I look pretty good in dresses, but I feel like a piece of bacon. Thin, but mostly fat. Maybe I should sit in a sauna... No that doesn't work people, lol. I WISH!!

I'm not sure if Tom will switch with me, or continue doing Beast, but we shall see. I can't wait to start!!! I mean seriously, look at this. How could you not want to at least try?

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